The Highest Earning Escorts
The highest earning escorts in the world are not found in the UK. Even the highest earning escorts in Central London who may charge up to £400 - £500 for every hour of their time can not compare. The highest earning escorts are usually found in America and certain parts of Europe. It is down to the actual escort that determines why they are so expensive. they are usually part of an elite social group, very well educated and accustomed to mixing with wealthy people. If you take recent reports in the media that some escorts in Cannes charge up to $40,000 dollars, then you can see the massive gulf in earnings compared to others.
What is clear is that these escorts are only available to millionaires. An hour of their company for the average working guy could be a whole year's salary. Now that would be one really expensive escort service for them. These escorts are said to be the most beautiful in the world. Having beauty that exceeds any top model. So these ladies can easily feel justified in charging thousands and thousands of dollars for their time and company.