No Withheld Numbers
Escorts and agencies like do not accept calls from withheld numbers. Rarely do they find they can trust a client that calls from from one. There are many time wasters out there who have no intention of booking an escort services. There are also many weirdos who just like to talk to escorts. They hide that fact by trying to act genuine. Many escort websites have the statement, that they do not accept calls from numbers that come up as private. It is down to safety as an escort / agency has to vet a potential escort client to decide to accept the booking or not. If there was an issue with a booking and an escort didn't even have a number for reference, then that is not bright at all. Safety has to be the number one priority for escorts in today's world. You need to be able to have a point of reference so you can determine somebody's identity. Fortunately most escorts are very careful hen it comes to safeguarding their on personal safety. If you don't feel comfortable in an initial phone conversation with a potential client, then do not take the booking. Certainly do not entertain bookings from withheld numbers. That is asking for trouble.
Do Not Text Escorts
There is one way to annoy an escort and that is to text them. For starters they don't even know who has texted them. For all they know, it could be a prank. Also escorts like to keep the nature of their communication private. They do not know if a person is married or not. Say a married guy has tested an escort and the wife looks through his messages. There are certain potential scenarios that they find is not worth entertaining.