International Touring Escorts
There are some really hot escorts from abroad who do international tours around the world. They are like the celebrities of the escort world. Many of them are (PSE) porn star escorts and tour major cities around the world. They usually announce their tour dates and destinations on their website, via social media and escort related websites. The tours usually last between 7 - 14 days. So you will have to imagine that people looking to book their escort services have to enquire as quick as possible. Many of these international superstar escorts come to the UK. As you can imagine when their tour is announced forums and message boards explode with a frenzy of chatter. The most popular touring cities around the globe are London, New York, Paris and Madrid. The escort fees for these international beauties are priced higher than the average rate in that country. However this does not affect the amount of bookings they get.
Touring Is Becoming More Popular
This used to be quite a rare occurrence in the escort industry. However with the increase of the online presence of escort services, it has led to more escorts touring. It is easier for them to communicate their tour information on a global scale via the internet. There are so many specialist websites that have sections just for escorts going on tour. Hence the rise in this niche aspect of the market..